How Much Coconut oil For Anal fissures

Hemorrhoids affect millions of people each year.

For some—particularly those who are overweight, are pregnant, or have digestive disorders like inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)—the problem can become so unrelenting it turns all-consuming.

Taking a holistic approach to care with the aim of reducing the immediate pain and inflammation, while gently easing bowel movements to prevent straining and recurrence can go a long way in helping you cope.

Coconut oil eliminates the itching, and stops the irritation.


Two of the most helpful things you can do to help your body help itself when it comes to hemorrhoids are making stools easier to pass and keeping the affected area clean.

Lubricate Your Stools

A high-fiber diet is a great long-term solution for constipation.1 But for more immediate relief, you can help lubricate your stools by mixing a tablespoon or two of mineral oil with a four- to eight-ounce glass of prune juice.

Even if you are heavily constipated, avoid taking more than one dose per day, as this can cause watery stools.

Lotion cream or coconut oil helps hemorrhoids to stop.

It's very important to keep well hydrated by drinking at least eight large glasses of water per day (or roughly a half gallon).

Avoid coffee, alcohol, and caffeinated drinks, which can dry out the stool and can cause excessive urination.

Get Things Moving

Some people also find relief by using an enema bag or douche ball purchased from the drugstore for between $10 and $15.

By gently filling the rectum with warm water, you can ease out even hard, pebbly stools. Be careful not to overfill the rectum, as this can stretch already-inflamed tissues.